Home About Blog Trans Stuff Collection16/9/24 | theme changer is fully functional!! changes now carry over across pages
14/9/24 | added a theme changer! semi functional
13/9/24 | improved the ipod player. shuffle songs is now functional, and music and the currently playing song can be viewed
12/9/24 | made the ipod audio player and code from scratch!!
11/9/24 | added chatbox
Hello to anyone who might see this, welcome to my personal site. im adrian, this is me just...ranting to the void i guess.
the blog section of this website will have venting in it. i am doing fucking badly and i need a place to rant, and this is it. trigger warning for dysphoria, suicidal ideation, eating disorder mentions, self harm
um anyway. im adrian, im a trans guy, turning 18 very soon and uh...i dont know what im doing with my life and im having a massive sexuality crisis. that about sums up how things are going right now.
here's my button, please add it to your website if you have a section for that!! tell me in the chatbox if you have one too