Wow, its been a while. Whelp it was in fact the pill making shit worse. my boobs are smaller again, ill gladly take my period over that shit ever again. note to self!! when estrogen makes you want to kill yourself,maybe ADDING MORE IS A SHIT IDEA.
Anyway, im feeling a lot better now. kt tape as trans tape is life changing except i cant live without it now. im still very suicidal but not that bad. well its still pretty bad. but its not horrible like that every single day. graduation party week was good. didnt get smashed tho just a bit tipsy. it was nice. new laptop. im 18 now. nothings changed ig. im just unhappy yknow. i should be happy. to everyone else, my life is great. my parents love 'me', i got into my preferred uni course, i have a new laptop, im 18, life is looking up right? but no. im secretly trans, i want to die all the time, im unhappy 24/7 and i dont eat properly because i want to starve my tits off.